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I haven’t written a blog in a while, so as I sit on the porch on this beautiful morning, I find myself full of gratitude for the many blessings in the Thompson family and thought I would share them. The Hubs is back in school, working on his Masters in Organizational Design and Leadership. I see a lot of analysis in my future. Kelsey is still in Pittsburgh and loving it, and in a few short weeks, Best of the Batch (the non-profit she works for) will be breaking ground on a larger facility. My son Kendal is home for a couple of weeks before he heads off to The Manhattan School of Music in pursuit of his dreams. My Brother just received a work promotion, and my step-dad is retiring at the end of the month. I am so happy and proud of the good works of my loved ones. Life is good.

Onto local news, we had a tornado (F2) come through Morgantown last week. We were lucky and blessed. It took some guttering off the back of the building but no other damage. Some of our neighbors weren’t so lucky. So say a prayer for a quick return to normal for them. It’s summer in PA…time for road construction. Don’t let the traffic keep you away from the store, it seems daunting, but it moves quickly. The Morgantown Carnival is coming up June 11-15. It’s lots of fun and a great way to connect with neighbors. There are rides, music, and the best part, carnival food! Swing on by, indulge in some fried dough and listen to the bands play.

In store news, it’s that time of year when we have some dealers leave, and some new ones arrive. We do a little booth space mambo and shake things up a bit. It’s all good. It may look a bit crazy and jumbled, but I have it all under control (maniacal laugh). On Saturday, June 15, our store is hosting a Flea Market outside from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. We haven’t had one in ages so stop in for some great deals as our merchants clean out their garages.

Oh, and one more thing—my kitchen. We are weeks away from the one-year mark and, no, it’s not complete. I’d say it’s about 93% done. I had the worst time deciding what to do on the ceiling. I have the lighting picked out, and a wee bit of trim work to finish and then we are DONE. Hopefully, before this fall hunting season, it will be complete. Anyway, I hope life finds you in a happy place, enjoy your family, and safe travels. Stop by the store, hope to see you soon to catch up on your life happenings.

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