I Can't Live Without It

I’m 4 days into a 7 day cold, on my second snow day, have watched way to many conspiracy videos on Youtube and eaten all the good snacks (The ones I hide from the hubs). I’ve come to the end of my procrastination and have no other choice but to write my blog.
Stealing an idea from Elle Decor where they ask a home designer or celebrity, “What 8 things can you not live without?” The answers vary French pastries, Opal and Pink Tourmaline earrings, Silver Spoon Warmers (It’s a thing), incredible vacation destinations, lipstick, dishes and music.
I believe my list would go something like this:
Breakfast of Philly champions: Butterscotch Krimpets
Favorite Lipstick: Burt’s Bees or Carmex
Earrings when I remember to wear them: Cape May Diamonds
Vacation destination: Pittsburgh, Pa
Dishes: Fiesta-ware
Cookware: Prizerware made in Reading and Pottstown, enameled cast iron as good today as it was when it was made.
Favorite Music: Philip and the Flatheads
Favorite Place to Shop: Morgantown Market
I’m just a simple girl at heart and it’s taken me 50-some years to realize wether you have expensive or thrifty tastes, enjoy life to the fullest. You never know when the aliens are going to land.