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The Good The Bad and The Ugly

I’ve been at a few sales over the last couple of weeks working on increasing my inventory for the Fall season. As I look back on my left overs from Fall of last year... okay, and several years previous, I realize what my good, bad and even ugly buys have been.

I categorize good buys in a couple of categories: consistent sellers and trending pieces. Consistent sellers are things that never go out of style with country, prim or farmhouse decorating. Mirrors with rustic frames, baskets, galvanized anything, nubby woven throws, mason jars and crates. Trending pieces are ones that are highlighted in magazines or trending on Pinterest for a season. Oddly these items are usually antique or vintage collectibles that have been rediscovered and repurposed. For example, beige or green enamelware, press back chairs, folk art and painted boxes.

Now for the bad buys. Every dealer hates to make mistakes. That piece that seems like such a good deal because it is rare, odd or unique usually translates into expensive. When you buy these things you break or ignore your buying rules, spend too much and refuse to acknowledge you’ve made a mistake. Been there, done that, more than once. Some bad buys: A 1939 set of classroom stamps complete, painted chalk-ware skunk, iron crib, 5 foot long carved Asian chest (big enough to fit several bodies), and an early mahogany formal dining table that is an odd height and that I could never find comfortable chairs for it. The list goes on.

8 weeks until the Fall retail season begins I’ll be ready. I have made some good/even great buys for our Fall preview. But, who knows what bad purchases I might be making today. LOL, even ugly! ".. But if you miss you had better miss very well..."

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